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Highly qualified human resources

Support for the recruitment of highly qualified human resources

Project name: Recruitment of Highly Qualified Human Resources

Project code: CENTRO-59-2020-09

Region of intervention: Central Regional Operational Programme

Beneficiary entity: Food4Sustainability - Association for Innovation in Sustainable Food

Main goal: Support for the recruitment of highly qualified human resources

Specific goal: Creation of 21 highly qualified jobs

Strategic goals:

  1. Economic impact:

    • Increase of the employment rate;

    • To increase the population by encouraging the migration of entrepreneurs and farmers to rural areas (including the municipality of Idanha);

    • Increase foreign investment;

    • To create a sustainable regional economy.

2. Social impact:

  • Increase the attraction and fixation of talent, creating a new generation of agro-tech entrepreneurs and innovation opportunities;

  • Create greater awareness of the benefits of organic food consumption and production;

  • Enhance community cohesion by involving different stakeholders;

  • Promote education and development, creating a more informed community;

  • Improve communities' livelihoods.

Date of approval: 22.07.2019

Start date: October 2020

Completion date: March 2023 (30-month duration)

Total eligible cost: 1.560.000,00€

European Union financial support: 1.326.000,00€

National/regional public financial support: 234.000,00€

Status: in execution

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