Proteina Verde: planting the food of the future
The "Green Protein: Planting the Food of the Future" report aims to promote a gradual transition to an agriculture and food system based predominantly on vegetable protein, thus contributing to reducing the ecological footprint of Portuguese and to mitigating the impacts of climate change.
Project Title: Green Protein: planting the food of the future
Project code:
Main Objective: The "Green Protein: Planting the Food of the Future" report aims to promote a gradual transition to an agriculture and food system based predominantly on vegetable protein, thus contributing to reducing the ecological footprint of Portuguese and to mitigating the impacts of climate change.
Region of Intervention: Portugal
Beneficiary entities: Food4Sustainability - Association for Innovation in Sustainable Food
Approval date:
Start date:
Conclusion date:
Total eligible investment:
Financial support of the xxxx: