The project "Feel Local: Understanding the gap between local production and consumers", is supported by the RIS* PD (Regional InnovationScheme Professional Development), a multidimensional educational programme managed by EIT Food, created to train and retrain farmers, SME employees and young professionals in the agri-food sector.

Feel Local is based on population surveys, namely producers and consumers, to assess the perception, awareness and opinion of consumers about local production systems and the quality of local food products, analyse the consumption profile and identify motivations and barriers in order to improve the promotion of these products. Feel Local promotes the sharing of consumer preferences and awareness of local products through workshops for representatives of the agri-food sector and opens doors for discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the production chains. Based on the data collected from the surveys and the results of the meeting with representatives of the agri-food sector, this project aims to develop a marketing platform, a course on good practices in sustainability, marketing strategies and product valorisation, and to develop contact networks between producers and consumers.
You can participate in the first debate of this event to be held on July 8, in the auditorium of the Cooperative of Alcobaça, from 14h30-17h30.
Registration here 👉