Cancer treatment goes beyond fighting the disease. Alongside the elimination of the cancer cells, the patient’s mind, spirit, and the rest of the body must be taken care of.
A healthy and balanced diet is advisable for all of us; in the case of suffering from some pathology, such as cancer, we should give our organism an adequate and varied diet that allows it to reinforce the immune system and be prepared to better tolerate the treatment and its possible side effects.
It is not new that the so-called conventional diet, rich in processed products and contaminated by pesticides, could have negative consequences on the health of the population. To support this hypothesis, a research team in France followed seventy thousand volunteers between 2009 and 2016. The general conclusion of this mega-study was that there may be a 25% reduction in the risk of cancer for those who eat, preferably, organic food.
The researchers of the French Institute for Agronomic Research explain these results due to the high presence of synthetic pesticide residues in food from conventional and intensive agriculture. The relationship with the risk of cancer appearance was concluded by comparing the various study groups and the frequency with which they consume organic products (usually, occasionally, rarely), and the appearance of several cases of cancer.
According to Philip Landrigan, an epidemiologist from Boston College, USA, it is now "very reinforced the possibility of a relationship between the demonstrated risk of cancer disease and the presence of pesticide residues in food".
See the complete article in here.