This recipe is ideal for cooling off in the hot months.
Easy to make at home and on camping trips, even with few utensils
Inexpensive - just three ingredients
Only to be made between July and September, which are the watermelon harvest months
Prep time: 15 minutes
Total time: 1 hour
Portions: 8 Cups
1.5l water
1 thin slice of watermelon
1 small sprig of rosemary
1 glass jar
Add to the water, the slice of watermelon and the sprig of rosemary, well washed.
Place in the fridge for 2 to 4 hours and you have a great summer refreshment!
Additional information:
This is a simple and cheap way to hydrate and cool down during the summer, and only during the summer, as the watermelon season is precisely in July, August and September.